Wednesday, June 20, 2012

No Turning Back

I really don't know if I'm cut out for business.
Too late!
It's a good thing Jeff was born to do this.
antique exit sign
We are taking another leap and hiring another bodyman.
We need to, the work is piling up.
As I've said before, the one thing that stresses Jeff out is a less-than-happy customer.
Well, some of ours are getting a little impatient.

It's the best kind of problem to have in business right?  
Too much business?
We just need to up our manpower so that we can handle it all.

It's a challenge on my end though.  
I'm always working a month behind.
We don't get paid for the jobs in the shop right now for 30 days.  
So, even if our new guy gets more work out the door, I don't see the money for a month.  
Makes it pretty tight on the financial end when we make these changes.
We've been through this before though and it's always paid off.
I know this time is no different.  
It's just scary.

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