Monday, September 10, 2012

Excuse Me While I Pep Talk

I need a little encouragement.
It's so quiet in this home today.
I actually miss the constant stream of "why, Mommy, why?".
There's a part of me that wants to race back and pick my little girl up.

I almost didn't leave my post outside the door to her classroom.
I set up camp after I left her crying.
I fought back tears as I listened to her scream "where Mommy going?"
{Yep, still crying at the drop of a hat.}
I was so grateful for the stranger who provided some kind words.

When her cries subsided, I took a deep breath and walked away.
It felt {almost} like one of the final steps in her transformation from baby to "big girl".
It felt {a lot} like one of my first steps in letting her grow on her own.

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