Thursday, December 5, 2013

December First is a Good Day

For two reasons.
#1. Movember is over.
As much as Jeff rocked his trucker mo I'm happy that this face is a little easier to smooch now.
Shield Autobody Movember
#2.  Entering December means no holds barred in the Christmas decoration department.
Admittedly I have had what we'll call "winter" decorations up for weeks.
But on December 1st it's socially acceptable for Christmas to officially explode all over the place.
Edmonton Christmas Tree Lot
So, naturally, we headed down to our favourite tree lot and picked a beautiful Balsam.
If you haven't yet grabbed a tree yet in Edmonton check out the UofA Forestry students fundraiser behind Corbett Hall on campus.
Edmonton Christmas Tree Lot
Fiona had convinced Daddy that this was a pants optional party so froze her little tush off under the floral dress she chose. 
Edmonton Christmas Tree Lot
We managed to get the tree home safely despite being, yet again, ill prepared.
Edmonton Christmas Tree Lot
Thank goodness for strong daddys, resourceful students and their random bundles of twine.


  1. Beautiful photos! My hubby was disappointed he didn't get to participate in Movember this year. He just started a new job, so he didn't want to creep anyone out with his 'stache.

    Can't wait to see pictures of your tree all decorated!


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