Friday, January 10, 2014

Today confirmed that an IT tech I am not.

Well, I was planning to post something a little more interesting than this today.
That's what you get with a blog though right?
Whatever is either fabulous or not-so-fabulous for the writer that day.
Today I fall on the not-so-fabulous side.

I sat down to get a little work done this morning and was met with 8 emails from Google warning me that my site was infected with malicious malware.
Not this one, you're safe to be reading this.
Our shop site, the one I haven't updated in months and has been nagging in the back of my mind.
It has now blown up in my face.

Thankfully Google is warning all it's visitors not to open the page so hopefully few have been negatively affected by it.
I, however, was immediately put into a panic.
I don't know how to fix this.
The extent of my coding is changing links in the codes others have already written.
I know, I seem so qualified to run our site right?
We had the site built and since then I have flubbed my way through making small changes.
I have added pictures, videos, links, etc. and that's about the extent of it.
I have actually been meaning to build a new site with the help of an online builder that is dumbed down to my level a little more user friendly.
I guess this gave me just the kick in the pants I needed.
Any free time {read: time in which my children weren't screaming/crying/fighting/peeing} I had today was spent building a site with the help from my new best friend Go Daddy.

Shield Autobody Website

It's far from finished and is still flagged as dangerous while I wait for a review but I think {and hope} I'm on the right track.
Anyone out there have site management tips?

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