Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Unintentional Green Project

I haven't posted about a green project in a while because, well, I haven't done a green project in a while.
My projects have tended towards the de-cluttering type which are not really as much fun to share.
But the other day, in a truly remarkable display of domestic skill, I put a beautiful merino wool sweater in the wash and...wait for it.
The dryer.
I would like to say this was an isolated incident but I did the exact same thing with a beautiful sweater dress about a year ago.
Bottom line: I should not own nice clothes.
I was so disappointed but immediately thought that both items of clothing looked like they would fit Fiona perfectly.
And sure enough...
She rocked both of them.
I didn't even have to ask her to pose, she was all over being my model.
Obviously I am not suggesting this as a fabulous project that you should do with your most precious wool items.
It is but a small consolation for my devastating mistake.
And of course another excuse to post pics of this sweet girl.


  1. Hah! Well, that was a mistake worth making! She's adorable in her 'new' outfit!


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